Course information
Scientific director:
Prof. Dr. med. Alessandra Curioni
Director of Oncology, Cantonal Hospital Fribourg
Professor of Oncology, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Dr. med. Tamara Hernler
Senior physician/consultant Department of Pulmonology
LKH Hohenems (LKHH), Austria
Dr. med. Laetitia Mauti
Senior Physician Department of Medical Oncology
Kantonsspital Winterthur (KSW)
Dr. med. Asteria Nikolopoulou
Mèdecin Adjointe – Medcal Onkology
Hôpital Riviera-Chablais, Rennaz, Switzerland
Dr. med. Christian Trockenbacher
Senior Physician Department of Pulmonology
Klinikum Wels-Grieskirchen
Chief editor
Mag. Thomas Schindl
Teaching objective:
After completing this e-learning, participants have gathered knowledge of current and new therapeutic options in the treatment of patients with advanced or metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). They have seen four cases of lung cancer patients by four experts from Switzerland and Austria. The experts explain the cases and prepare the patient data as well as the central decision parameters (e.g., scientific data and treatment guidelines).
Primary target group(s):
Oncologists, Pulmonologists
For correctly answering the multiple-choice questions – correctly answering at least 60% of the multiple-choice questions following the e-learning – the Swiss Society of Medical Oncology awards 2 credits
Universimed Cross Media Content GmbH
The realisation of this course was financially supported by the companies Merck, Sanofi and Takeda without influencing the course content.
This course is provided to you free of charge
Valid until:
January 2025
Please note that you can only perform the test once.